When talking about new world we are all fascinated by Australia, New Zeland, South Africa etc. but we forget that wine is also spreaded in countries where we would never expect wine production at all , and one of them, is Bali,  the New New World of Wine.

    So, another excuse to get a ticekt and book a nice vacation :)  

    Bali is the smallest province in indonesia with much smaller neighbouring islands called Nusa Penida.With a population of 3,890,757 in the 2010 census, and currently 4.22 million, Bali is the home to most of Indonesia’s Hindu minority.

    The Island is located between Java to the West and Lombok to the East, at the westernmost point of the Lesser Sunda Islands; its capital is Denpasar, located in the South. Bali is also the largest tourist destination in the country and is renowned for its highly developed arts, including traditional and modern dance, sculpture, painting, leather, metalworking, and music.

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