Thursday, 09 April 2015 09:33

    Wine Ruchè Castagnole di Monferrato

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    Ruché is a middle-premature maturation vine variety (first decade of September). It is a good sugar – battery and it preserves a good amount of malic acid that bestow freshness on wine despite low acidity.
    The main feature is the wealth of polyphenols, in the majority tannins, which produce structured wines.
    Depending on year, the maceration permits a selective extraction of tannins to obtain balanced wines. Ruché is a semi-aromatic terpene vine variety and in wine Opera Prima there are smells like spices, geranium, rose and ripe fruits. Vine variety Ruché comes from hill area of Castagnole Monferrato, in northeast of Asti.

    Despite shortage of information, this vine variety has specific characteristics morphological and analytic and it differs from the other variety of the zone
    According tradition this vine variety was present in Castagnole Monferrato from ancient time and people drink wine during festivity. 
    The parish priest Don Giacomo Cauda (death in 2008) recovered this aboriginal vine and he took care of cultivation and wine making in purity.
    Parish priest’s work lead other wine makers to believe in Ruché until achieve the denomination of origin. 
    Vine variety wait for first description until 1987, which realized on request of supervised denomination of origin
    It is a wine with a mysterious history but it has particular sensorial features compared with other Piemontese wines. 
    Enza Cavallero (historian of Piemontese wine) says “So magic and mysterious, but unforgettable” to describe this wine.

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    Alessandra Mantia

    ( Veneto - Vicenza )

    Classe '88. Laureata nel Corso Triennale di Scienze e tecnologie vitivinicole ed enologiche presso l'Università di Verona.
    Laureata nel Corso di Laurea Magistrale Interateneo di Scienze vitivinicole ed enologiche di Asti.
    Sommelier FISAR di III livello - delegazione di Vicenza.
    Amo leggere e soprattutto viaggiare.
    Ogni nuova esperienza dovrebbe andare coronata da un buon bicchiere sempre da condividere.

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